Michael – Baseball – MCL Sprain – PRP Treatment Therapy
I began to experience elbow pain in early July 2009 and was initially diagnosed (misdiagnosed) with triceps tendonitis by a local physician. Following six weeks of rest with no improvement, in October 2009, I was given platelet injections into the triceps tendon area. Following rest and rehabilitation, I started pre-season pitching in January 2010 and the pain returned while throwing with higher velocity.
In February 2010, I went to see a doctor for a second opinion at the Hospital for Special Surgery. Upon review of my MRI findings and my physical examination, I was diagnosed with a partially torn MCL and he recommended Tommy John surgery to correct it.
My parents did some more research, as they were concerned about me having surgery at such a young age, and learned that Dr. Ahmad was not only the team physician for the NY Yankees, but that he had a special interest in MCL reconstruction surgery. We sought a third opinion from Dr. Ahmed shortly thereafter. Given my age, Dr. Ahmad wanted to try another approach that would avoid surgery and recommended another round of platelet injections followed by an intense rehabilitation program and a gradual return to throwing.
I have successfully returned to pitching and I thank Dr. Ahmad team for encouraging me to avoid surgery.